Airter Free GRPS settings 2

by Stock Specialist on Monday, August 17, 2009

Once again, free Airtel GPRS is working.
In NUTSHELL you had to do only 3 things

Enter your cel no. into USER NAME/NO. Field (If it is blank)
Change access point / APN to or
Configuring your application for following proxy setting…
- If u r using
IP Addr :
Port no. 8080

- If u r using
IP Addr :
Port No. 8799

That all about settings!

Airtel Free GPRS setting

by Stock Specialist

In this post i have posted free gprs setting. it's tested and it's working.


Port= 8080

Access Point =

User = none

Password = none

Ask for Password = no

When u get connected u'll asked for Username & Password. Make the following :-

USERNAME = Ur Mob. No. (Eg- 9903123456)

PASSWORD = Last six digit of ur Mob.No. (Eg-123456)

This is a full tutorial for creating you're very own FTP.

by Stock Specialist

The first thing to do is to go to

Register free at the page. (follow all the instructions you get there)
Look at the top, and you see the Host Search. Write the name you want, and press Go! Then download the program called No-IP on the site, or use this:
Download and install the software, then write you're registerd username and password in the requested fields. A smiley face should now appear in the program box. Press the box next to it, and I will change to a happy face. Press it again, and you have you're ip guided to you're registerd host name. You have to press the smiley every time you log on to the internet. If you are connected all the time, you whont have to do it again, but try to make sure. It will tell you if you are guided to you're host name or not.

That was the basics. Now it's time for getting this thing online.

Got to
(it's a pay prog. you can crack it or buy it)
Download Bullet Proof FTP Server, and install it. Start the program, and you will see a big white screen, and some icons on the top.
Press the lightning, and it will say: (example)

31.07.02 10:41:22 - FTP Server On-line : IP(s),, on port 21

Then you press the human head (nr. 6 from the right)
Make an account for you're self, and press ok. Minimize the program, and go to the internet again. Go to
and download the prog (I'm sure the most of you have an FTP prog from before. Write the host name you made at NoIP, and the login pass and port. (Default is port 21.) Press connect, and you are online. I did not get into all details, but you can learn more about the progs in the help section.

Registry Disassembled a basic tutorial

by Stock Specialist

The registry is a hierarchical database that contains virtually all information about your computer's configuration. Under previous version of Windows, those setting where contained in files like config.sys, autoexec.bat, win.ini, system.ini, control.ini and so on. From this you can understand how important the registry is. The structure of the registry is similar to the ini files structure, but it goes beyond the concept of ini files because it offers a hierarchical structure, similar to the folders and files on hard disk. In fact the procedure to get to the elements of the registry is similar to the way to get to folders and files.
In this section I would be examing the Win95\98 registry only although NT is quite similar.

The Registry Editor
The Registry Editor is a utility by the filename regedit.exe that allows you to see, search, modify and save the registry database of Windows. The Registry Editor doesn't validate the values you are writing: it allows any operation. So you have to pay close attention, because no error message will be shown if you make a wrong operation.
To launch the Registry Editor simply run RegEdit.exe ( under WinNT run RegEdt32.exe with administer privileges).
The registry editor is divided into two sectios in the left one there is a hierarchical structure of the database (the screen looks like Windows Explorer) in the right one there are the values.

The registry is organized into keys and subkeys. Each key contains a value entry , each one has a name, a type or a class and the value itself. The name is a string that identifies the value to the key. The length and the format of the value is dependent on the data type.

As you can see with the Registry Editor, the registry is divided into five principal keys: there is no way to add or delete keys at this level. Only two of these keys are effectively saved on hard disk: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_USERS. The others are jusr branches of the main keys or are dynamically created by Windows.

This key contains any hardware, applications and services information. Several hardware information is updated automatically while the computer is booting. The data stored in this key is shared with any user. This handle has many subkeys:

Contains configuration data for different hardware configurations.
This is the device data. For each device in your computer, you can find information such as the device type, the hardware manufacturer, device drivers and the configuration.
This key contains a list of serial ports, processors and floating point processors.
Contains network information.
Shows you network security information.
This key contains data about installed software.
It contains data that checks which device drivers are used by Windows and how they are configured.

This key is an alias of the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes and contains OLE, drag'n'drop, shortcut and file association information.

This key is also an alias. It contains a copy of the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Config, with the current computer configuration.

Some information stored in the registry changes frequently, so Windows maintains part of the registry in memory instead of on the hard disk. For example it stores PnP information and computer performance. This key has two sub keys

Config Manager
This key contains all hardware information problem codes, with their status. There is also the sub key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum, but written in a different way.
It contains performance data about system and network

This important key contains the sub key .Default and another key for each user that has access to the computer. If there is just one user, only .Default key exists. . Each sub key maintains the preferences of each user, like the desktop colors, the fonts used, and also the settings of many programs. If you open a user subkey you will find five important subkeys:

It contains the path of audio files that Windows plays when some events happen.
Control Panel
Here are the settings defined in the Control Panel. They used to be stored in win.ini and control.ini.
Keyboard Layouts
It contains some advanced code which identifies the actual keyboard disposition how it is set into the Control Panel.
This key stores subkeys that describe current and recent network shortcuts.
The settings of Remote Access are stored here.
Contains all software settings. This data was stored in win.ini and private .ini files.

It is an alias to current user of HKEY_USERS. If your computer is not configured for multi-users usage, it points to the subkey .Default of HKEY_USERS.

Description of .reg file

Here I am assuming that you already have a .reg file on your hard disk and want to know more about how it is structured.Now do not double click the .reg file or it's content will be added to the registry, of course there will be warning message that pops up. Now to view the properties of the .reg file open it in notepad.
To do so first launch notepad by going to Start>Programs>Accessories>Notepad.
Then through the open menu open the .reg file.
Now the thing that differentiates .reg files from other files is the word REGEDIT4. It is found to be the first word in all .reg files. If this word is not there then the registry editor cannot recognize the file to be a .reg file.
Then follows the key declaration which has to be done within square brackets and with the full path.If the key does not exist then it will be created.
After the key declaration you will see a list of values that have to be set in the particular key in the registry.The values look like this:

"value name"=type:value

Value name is in double commas. Type can be absent for string values, dword: for dword values and hex: for binary values. For all other values you have to use the code hex(#): , where # indicate the API code of the type.

"My string" = "string value" is a string
"My dword" = dword:123456789 is a dword
"My binary" = hex:AA,BB,CC is a standard binary
"My other type" = hex(2):AA,BB,00 is an expand string

Important Note: expand string has API code = 2 and extended string has API code = 7.

As you can see, strings are in double quotes, dword is hexadecimal and binary is a sequence of hexadecimal byte pairs, with a comma between each. If you want to add a back slash into a string remember to repeat it two times, so the value "c:\Windows" will be "c:\\Windows".
Before write a new .reg file, make sure you do this else you will get an error message.

Command Line Registry Arguments

FILENAME.REG to merge a .reg file with the registry
/L:SYSTEM to specify the position of SYSTEM.DAT
/R:USER to specify the position of USER.DAT
/e FILENAME.REG [KEY] to export the registry to a file. If the key is specified, the whole branch will be exported.
/c FILENAME.REG to substitute the entire registry with a .reg file
/s to work silently, without prompt information or Warnings.

That wraps up the Windows Registry.

Saving and loading Photoshop actions

by Stock Specialist

Actions are automatically saved to the Actions Palette folder in the Adobe Photoshop or Adobe ImageReady CS Settings folder. If this file is lost or removed, the actions you created are lost. You can save your actions to a separate actions file so that you can recover them if necessary. You can also load a variety of action sets that are shipped with Photoshop (Photoshop).

Note: The default location of the Adobe Photoshop CS Settings folder varies by operating system. Use your operating system's Find command to locate this folder.

To save a set of actions:

1. Select a set.
2. Choose Save Actions from the Actions palette menu.
3. Type a name for the set, choose a location, and click Save.

You can save the set anywhere. However, if you place the file in the Presets/Photoshop Actions folder inside the Photoshop program folder, the set will appear at the bottom of the Actions palette menu after you restart the application.

Press Ctrl+Alt (Windows) or Command+Option (Mac OS) when you choose the Save Actions command to save the actions in a text file. You can use this file to review or print the contents of an action. However, you can't reload the text file back into Photoshop.

To load a set of actions:

Do one of the following:
* Choose Load Actions from the Actions palette menu. Locate and select the action set file, and then click Load. (In Windows, Photoshop action set files have the extension .atn.)
* Select an action set from the bottom of the Actions palette menu.

To restore actions to the default set:

1. Choose Reset Actions from the Actions palette menu.
2. Click OK to replace the current actions in the Actions palette with the default set, or click Append to add the set of default actions to the current actions in the Actions palette.

Reinstall Internet Explorer 6

by Stock Specialist

Microsoft Windows XP won't allow you to uninstall Internet Explorer. How can you fix the browser or even reinstall the program if it becomes corrupt?

If you don't yet have the very latest Internet Explorer, you can fix many problems by visiting

and updating to the latest version. If you're already up to date, however, the site won't let you reinstall the program. You need to fool the system into thinking you don't have the latest version.

Launch REGEDIT from the Start menu's Run dialog and navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}. In the right-hand pane, double-click on the DWORD value IsInstalled and change it from 1 to 0 (no matter whether you choose Decimal or Hexadecimal). Close REGEDIT and go to the Windows update site again. Now it should let you "update" IE and, with luck, fix the problems.

By the way, you can do the same thing if you need to repair Outlook Express, but at the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C}.

How do I overburn a CD with Nero?

by Stock Specialist

Start Nero

From the action-bar select File and select Preferences.

In the Preferences window, select Expert Features(1) and check the Enable overburn disc-at-once(2).

Choose a Maximum CD Length(3) and click OK(4) (*82:59:59 is the maximum value I suggest, but as you can see from the screen capture above I have set mine significantly higher. The reason is because I frequently use 99min 850 MB CD media).

For a more accurate test you can use a nero tool called nero speed test to see how much a specific CD is capable of being overburned . get it here

From the action-bar select File and select Write CD.

A window will appear when you have exceeded expected length, click OK to start the overburn copy.

Remember to set disk to burn Disc at Once, you cannot overburn in Track at Once Mode.

How to remove the Links folder in IE Favorites

by Stock Specialist

If you're one of the many people that NEVER use the "links" folder in your favorites and can't keep windows for re-creating it. Here's how:

[Start] [Run] [Regedit]

Registry Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ Toolbar

Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.

Data Type: REG_SZ [String Value] // Value Name:


Value Data: [Set the String Value to a blank string]

Open Internet Explorer and manually delete the Links folder from Favorites Menu. The Links folder will not be recreated. Exit Registry and Reboot.

How To Rename Extensions With Ease, with a Renamer.bat file!

by Stock Specialist

You all downloaded some game or app once that was 50 parts big, and you had to rename them all from .bmp to .rar to extract them.

You can easily create a batch file that does that for you.

Open Notepad

fill in the notepad:


ren *.bmp *.rar

Ofcourse, you have to edit these two extensions to fit the files you want to convert. Save this file as renamer.bat and run it in the directory where you want to rename your downloads.

How To Make Your Own Radio Station

by Stock Specialist

Must HAVE Winamp (Any Version)
First, things First your speed has to be at least 256/64 kbps (which means Dial-up users, will have alot of latency, just dnt bother)
Second, your going to have to have a domain, an updated one with the current i.p active. (Could be anything e.g. My sig)

Now, Your gonna have to download the Shoutcast Files.

Go to to get the files.

Ok After downloading these, installing Both of them in any order i dnt care. Go to START>PROGRAM FILES>SHOUTcast DNAS>EDIT SHOUTCAST DNS CONFIG.

Ok your gonna have to Configure it:
Go Down and where it says password: change (that means your gonna have to change it to whatever, make sure u remember)
The Portbase: change it to whatever port you want it
Maxusers: (lets be realistic here, dnt put in 10000, like NXS's radio station) your bandwidth has to be extremely good, if your cable, 50 user max is ok, ADSL should stay below 10 users, and T1 connections should do whatever tickles there fantasy.


Go to OUTPUT, and then click on Connection, Through the ADDRESS, type your address which you have done through, PORT NUMBER, whatever u did in the EDIT.txt, and your password.

Then go to Encoder, and choose your quality of your music. Go back to OUTPU>OUTPUT CONFIG> YELLOW PAGES. this is your advertisemant information. dow hatever you like there.

Now Connect. to check that your Radio os on-line go to http://(your address that you added in the prefrence)

How To Make XP Go Faster

by Stock Specialist

Services You Can Disable

There are quite a few services you can disable from starting automatically.
This would be to speed up your boot time and free resources.
They are only suggestions so I suggestion you read the description of each one when you run Services
and that you turn them off one at a time.

Some possibilities are:
Application Management
Fast UserSwitching
Human Interface Devices
Indexing Service
Net Logon
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Remote Registry
Routing & Remote Access
SSDP Discovery Service
Universal Plug and Play Device Host
Web Client


Cleaning the Prefetch Directory

WindowsXP has a new feature called Prefetch. This keeps a shortcut to recently used programs.
However it can fill up with old and obsolete programs.

To clean this periodically go to:

Star / Run / Prefetch
Press Ctrl-A to highlight all the shorcuts
Delete them


Not Displaying Logon, Logoff, Startup and Shutdown Status Messages

To turn these off:

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciessystem
If it is not already there, create a DWORD value named DisableStatusMessages
Give it a value of 1

Clearing the Page File on Shutdown

Click on the Start button
Go to the Control Panel
Administrative Tools
Local Security Policy
Local Policies
Click on Security Options
Right hand menu - right click on "Shutdown: Clear Virtual Memory Pagefile"
Select "Enable"

For regedit users.....
If you want to clear the page file on each shutdown:

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementClearPageFileAtShutdown
Set the value to 1


No GUI Boot

If you don't need to see the XP boot logo,

Click on the BOOT.INI tab
Check the box for /NOGUIBOOT

Speeding the Startup of Some CD Burner Programs

If you use program other than the native WindowsXP CD Burner software,
you might be able to increase the speed that it loads.

Go to Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services
Double-click on IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
For the Startup Type, select Disabled
Click on the OK button and then close the Services window
If you dont You should notice


Getting Rid of Unread Email Messages

To remove the Unread Email message by user's login names:

Start Regedit
For a single user: Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUnreadMail
For all users: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUnreadMail
Create a DWORD key called MessageExpiryDays
Give it a value of 0


Decreasing Boot Time

Microsoft has made available a program to analyze and decrease the time it takes to boot to WindowsXP
The program is called BootVis

Uncompress the file.
For a starting point, run Trace / Next Boot + Driver Delays
This will reboot your computer and provide a benchmark
After the reboot, BootVis will take a minute or two to show graphs of your system startup.
Note how much time it takes for your system to load (click on the red vertical line)
Then run Trace / Optimize System
Re-Run the Next Boot + Drive Delays
Note how much the time has decreased
Mine went from approximately 33 to 25 seconds.

Increasing Graphics Performance

By default, WindowsXP turns on a lot of shadows, fades, slides etc to menu items.
Most simply slow down their display.

To turn these off selectively:

Right click on the My Computer icon
Select Properties
Click on the Advanced tab
Under Performance, click on the Settings button
To turn them all of, select Adjust for best performance
My preference is to leave them all off except for Show shadows under mouse pointer and Show window contents while dragging


Increasing System Performance

If you have 512 megs or more of memory, you can increase system performance
by having the core system kept in memory.

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementDisablePagingExecutive
Set the value to be 1
Reboot the computer


Increasing File System Caching

To increase the amount of memory Windows will locked for I/O operations:

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management
Edit the key IoPageLockLimit


Resolving Inability to Add or Remove Programs

If a particular user cannot add or remove programs, there might be a simple registry edit neeed.

Go to HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesUninstall
Change the DWORD NoAddRemovePrograms to 0 disable it

4096 - 32megs of memory or less
8192 - 32+ megs of memory
16384 - 64+ megs of memory
32768 - 128+ megs of memory
65536 - 256+ megs of memory

How To Make Free Phone Calls

by Stock Specialist

Have you ever got stuck some ware and just about 6'ft away from you there is a pay phone, but yet you dont have any change(=( bummer) to call your famaly members or some one to come and pick you up(hehe that sux)?

Well im going to show you some thing that might get you arrested(shit now what) or it might get you home( now thats what im talking about!)its a chance that you have to take depends were are you.

Ok now before we go on let me let you know that this is not thateasy to do, but anyways lets start. A pay phone is not like a regular home phone. A pay phone runs through a diffrent amount of electricity and wires even the electricity flow is diffrent, Well anyways that is enoght of electrical talk lets get to the good part.

Ok to get free call's on a pay phone you will frist have to twist the phone wire just about 50 to 60 times then you will pull on the phonewire untill the metal part crackes off phone keep doing it if the metalpart is completely off the phone....
Now assuming that it is off you willsee a few colored wires in side the metal wire of the pay phone there should be a black, red, yellow one in side it and a really metallthick one in the middle(NOTE that some phone has diffrent colored wires)now the one wire that we are looking for is the black one. Now here ishow its done.. rip off the plastic of that wire(you can take it out with your teeth, you wont get electricuted =) hehe ).

Now assuming that you have taken apart the plastic off the wire(does not has to be all of it)now you will take that wire and aply it to the phone with the metal part of the phone touching the wire that you ripped off its plastic.. if you are aplying it correctly then you should here a static on the phone.. so make sure you have that phone on your ear.. now with the wire being aplyed to the phone(the metal part right next tothe buttons)Dial the number that you wish to call.. onces you hear it ringing then you can let go of the wire that you was applying.. and BINGO... say hello to mami and daddy for me =).. welp that is all enjoy your call.. ohh and by the wayyes this also comes with long distance hehe, and no! you can not use it to logg on to aol... Peace.

How To Make An Animted Logo

by Stock Specialist

Things you will need:

1. Photoshop or Paintshop (any versions)
2. Xara3D 5.xx
3. Jasc animation shop 3.xx
4. DUH!! A pic you want as a logo LOL

Things you MIGHT need:
1. a computer
2. Internet connection
3. consciousness
4. corn on the cob
1. Using your photo editor fix/touch up you pic/logo to your liking….too easy(example bellow)
user posted image

2. Save it some where easy to find, for example “C:\pictures” or “C:\Windows\thecenterofhell\system\system32\system64\system128\???” although I don’t recommend the second one.

3.Open Xara3D 5.xx, press “Alt+T” or click on the “T” button on the LEFT PANEL erase all of the text in the window that pops up then press ok.
user posted image
user posted image

4. Press “Alt+U” or click on the yellow “U” surrounded in gray on the LEFT PANEL, check the “button” box and select a desire button type and leave this option window open you will need it again.
user posted image

5. Press the “At+X” or click the black “X” on the LEFT PANEL, click “load texture” in the pop up window, find the picture you made/adjusted and highlight it then click open or just double-click it. Use the “size, x, y, angle” sliders to adjust the picture or “texture” and in the “button options” windows use the “stretch, corners”(corners, only if using this option you can adjust) to adjust the button size.
user posted image

6. Press “Alt+A” or click the black “A” on the LEFT PANEL with what looks like to me is a half-halo with an arrow tip!? Anyway, here is a quick rundown on what the options here do: (BY THE WAY TO ACTIVATE OR “PREVIEW ANIMATION” PRESS “Ctrl+spacebar”).
user posted image

A. Frames per cycle: This is the number of frames for each complete cycle through the animation sequence. The greater the number of frames the smoother the animation. The drawback is that the file is bigger - this is a big disadvantage for web graphics. You may need to try different values to get the best results.
B. Frames per second: The animation speed. Slow speeds can give jerky movement. High speeds can also give jerky movement as the program displaying the animation may not be able to keep up. Again you may need to try different values.
C. Pause: This pauses the first frame before continuing the rest of the animation. Type in a value in centiseconds (1/100ths of a second) - a 2 second pause is 200 cs. Note that this applies only to the first frame; use Frames per cycle and Frames per second to control the overall speed of the animation.
D. Loop Value: Unchecked is Infinite, Any other value see for yourself. Lmao
E. Loop: This lets you specify how many times the animation should repeat itself. Note that some browsers take any value other than 1 to mean 'loop forever'. Therefore, your animation either plays once or forever.
F. Style: This controls the type of animation:
Rotate 1 rotates all the text as one; Rotate 2 rotates each character. (Buttons have a single Rotate option.) Rotate text/Rotate lights - select whether you want the text to rotate or the lights or both. You cannot rotate the shadow as this would create very large files. Direction - selects the direction of rotation.

Swing options: Swing 1 swings all the text as one; Swing 2 swings each character. (Buttons have a single Swing option.) Angle - how much you want the heading to swing.

Pulsate options: Pulsate 1 pulsates all the text as one; Pulsate 2 pulsates each character. (Buttons have a single Pulsate option.) Minimum text size - how far back to pulsate the text. Shrink+Grow & Grow+Shrink - only have an effect if you Pause the animation. These options select the starting point for the animation (maximum or minimum.)

Fade options: Fade in - the heading emerges from the background color. Fade out - the heading merges into the background color. SO AFTER PICKING ONE………………..

7. On the top left go to FILE>>>EXPORT ANIMATION or press “Ctrl+Shift+X” and save in desired location.
user posted image

8. When the next window pops up (Export as animated gif save location then options): Experiment with each one to get it right, but remember the SoD rules about Siggys and Avatars.
user posted image
user posted image

Because Animated GIFs can be quite large, you may find that a 16 or 32 color, optimized palette per frame, produces the best results for the smallest file size. However you might need to experiment.
Dithering always makes GIFs look better, but also makes them larger. When outputting at 256 colors you may find that there is no need to turn dithering on.
Current Window Size lets you export just the area surrounding the text (Crop on) or the entire window area (Crop off.)
User Defined lets you specify the dimensions of the bitmap.

how to make a VCD from a DivX

by Stock Specialist

Tools required: Latest Virtual dub, TMPGEnc and Nero ( and the DivX codecs.)

Download all tools, Be sure to install DivX 3.11 DivX4 and the latest DivX5 codecs.

Extracting the audio : Start Virtualdub. Open your video File->Open video file.(if you get any warnings just ignore them because you won't edit the video just extract the audio)
Select File->File Information and note the fps as the video source fps because you will need it later.
Select under Audio->Full processing mode.
Select Audio->Compression and select
Select Audio->Conversion.
Change the the Sampling rate to 44100Hz if you are going to make VCD or SVCD MPEGs.
Save the wav by clicking on File->Save WAV...the wav will be a huge audio uncompressed video file(about 10 MB/minute.
Start TMPEnc. Press cancel if the Project Wizard comes.
Press Browse… and select the DivX file as Video source input.
Now you press the Browse button for choosing the Audio source input and use the saved wav file.
Press load and load the file which in the Template directory of TMPGenc.
If the video source fps is 29,970 load VideoCD (NTSC).mcf
If the video source fps is 23,970 load VideoCD (NTSCFilm).mcf
If the video source fps is 25,000 load VideoCD (PAL).mcf
If the video source fps is anything else else just load NTSC if you live in US or Japan and PAL if you live anywhere else.
Note if you live in US or Japan and get problem playing PAL, often causing black and white TV playback problems, then first check if you can change to PAL on your TV or DVD Player if not then instead convert it to NTSC by loading the VideoCD(NTSC) template.
Note if you live Europe and the rest of the world and get problem playing NTSC or NTSCFilm, often causing black and white TV playback problems, then first check if you can change to PAL on your TV or DVD Player if not convert it to PAL by loading the VideoCD(Pal) template.

Press Settings and choose Advanced.
Select Full screen (keep aspect ratio) under Video arrange method to keep the same aspect ratio(widescreen,fullscreen) as the video source(if you have a widescreen movie and you want it to be in fullscreen select No margin(keep aspect ratio).
Select Source range and double-click on it with the mouse.

In the next dialog you can choose the source range. This process depends on the DivX file. If the DivX file is less than 80min (for a 80min/700mb CDR) then you do not have to split the file to two CDs. Also if the DivX file is already in two parts you have just to convert the first file and then the second. But if there should be the case that the movie is in one file over 80minutes long then it is necessary to select the source range. In this new dialog you put the horizontal scrollbar to the middle of the selection so that you will get the same length on the first CD as on the second. After you selected the middle do you have press Set end frame. A new value should be under End Frame. This value you should notice somewhere for the encoding of the second part. Of course the start frame must be 0.

After pressing ok, you only have to select the output file name. I prefer the movie name with the CD number (e.g. Ghost in the Shell CD1) for the burning.
Now encode the file by pressing the Start-Button.
While encoding you can select File->Preview(it won't effect the encoding) to see how the output will be, it it looks wrong(widescreen or fullscreen) you can stop the encoding and start over and change especially the Settings->Advanced->Video arange method.)
If you only want to burn the movie on one CD jump to the burning guide else follow the next points.

Repeat the third, forth and fifth point. In the source range dialog you now use as Start frame the noticed value and move with the horizontal scrollbar to the end of the movie.
After pressing Set end frame, press two times OK.

Now select the output filename for the second file. (e.g. Ghost in the Shell CD2) and encode it.
After the encoding is done and you did all right, you should have for every CD a file.

Launch Nero.Close the Wizard. Select File->New.
1. Select VideoCD
2. Select PAL or NTSC depending what format your source MPEG is in.
3. And hit New.

1. Locate your .mpg and drag it(see picture below). Remember that you can add several .mpgs also, each mpg will be a own track on the VCD and you can add data files also, just drag them to any folder.
2. Check the time. It should be the same as in the movie.

3. Rename the CD to anything you like by clicking F2 on NEW.

4. Select File->Write CD.

don't know about everyone else.. but the only options i choose on tmpgenc to make mpeg-1 files are either NTSC film 23.976, or NTSC video 29.97 fps..

i also live in the u.s. so i do all of mine accordingly.. why do you save the wave file with virtual dub.. or should i say, why do you even process the divx file with vdub.. yeah if it is your last resort and the divx for some reason doesn't open in tmpgenc.. i've got 180+ Divx movies, some downloaded mostly ripped, never had a problem encoding them with tmpgenc plus.

just seems like you are going from your a$$ to your elbow to do this.

1. take divx movie (120 minutes long for example).. open with vdub.. find a keyframe about halfway through the film, preferrably at a scene change.

choose "SET SELECTION START" from the EDIT menu.. scroll all the way to the end of the film, choose "SET SELECTION END"... hit DELETE or choose "DELETE SELECTION", all from the EDIT menu

2. Now you have 1 half of your movie. under the VIDEO menu, choose "DIRECT STREAM COPY", also make sure that under AUDIO is going to generate a "DIRECT STREAAM COPY". Then go to FILE and choose "SAVE as AVI..."

on a newer computer this will take less than 2 minutes..

3. When it is complete, the quickest way to proceed is to just click on FILE / "OPEN VIDEO FILE". at the beginning of the clip, choose "SET SELECTION START" again, snap back to the keyframe (half way through the film) which you cut half the film off at and choose "SET SELECTION END". DELETE... FILE / "SAVE AS AVI..." save as the other half of film..

once again, will usually take less than 2 minutes...

4. choose option accordingly, this next part can be important.. (i'm going to give the rest of the instructions as if you were making ntsc movie)

since you want to make a standard mpeg-1 file, choose NTSC FILM or NTSC VIDEO.. BROWSE for your file, then hit NEXT, then it OTHER SETTINGS / ADVANCED tab ... now there is an option that says "VIDEO ARRANGE METHOD".. if you are making a fullscreen movie, lleave on FULLSCREEN.. if you are encoding a widescreen movie, choose "FULL SCREEN (KEEP ASPECT RATIO).. OK / NEXT / NEXT (you get the point)

basically takes 1 step out of the tutorial above.. the instructions for nero appear to be correct.. but here's another tip..

dvd burners are becoming more and more popular and even i got one now, like many of you do. tired of old vcd's or wanna encode a VCD standard DVD with nearly 9 hours of video (but same quality as normal 80 minute VCD),

if this is the case, make sure you encode your DivX files as "NTSC VIDEO 29.97 FPS".. even if source is 23 fps... and once you have 3 or 4 movies, get yourself a proggy called TMPGENC DVD AUTHOR.. make a track for each movie.. and you got yourself a dvd with 3 or 4 average length movies on 1 dvd (with menus if you like) that is WAY MORE COMPATIBLE than a VCD..

do a search for the keyword VCD-DVD and i posted a more descriptive tutorial on how to do this..

Computer Acronyms

by Stock Specialist on Thursday, August 13, 2009

ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port
ALI - Acer Labs, Incorporated
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
AMD - Advanced Micro Devices
APC - American Power Conversion
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASPI - Advanced SCSI Programming Interface
AT - Advanced Technology
ATI - ATI Technologies Inc.
ATX - Advanced Technology Extended

--- B ---
BFG - BFG Technologies
BIOS - Basic Input Output System
BNC - Barrel Nut Connector

--- C ---
CAS - Column Address Signal
CD - Compact Disk
CDR - Compact Disk Recorder
CDRW - Compact Disk Re-Writer
CD-ROM - Compact Disk - Read Only Memory
CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute (ft�/min)
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CTX - CTX Technology Corporation (Commited to Excellence)

--- D ---

DDR - Double Data Rate
DDR-SDRAM - Double Data Rate - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
DFI - DFI Inc. (Design for Innovation)
DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module
DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory
DPI - Dots Per Inch
DVD - Digital Versatile Disc
DVD-RAM - Digital Versatile Disk - Random Access Memory

--- E ---
ECC - Error Correction Code
ECS - Elitegroup Computer Systems
EDO - Extended Data Out
EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EVGA - EVGA Corporation

--- F ---
FC-PGA - Flip Chip Pin Grid Array
FDC - Floppy Disk Controller
FDD - Floppy Disk Drive
FPS - Frame Per Second
FPU - Floating Point Unit
FSAA - Full Screen Anti-Aliasing
FS - For Sale
FSB - Front Side Bus

--- G ---
GB - Gigabytes
GBps - Gigabytes per second or Gigabits per second
GDI - Graphical Device Interface
GHz - GigaHertz

--- H ---
HDD - Hard Disk Drive
HIS - Hightech Information System Limited
HP - Hewlett-Packard Development Company
HSF - Heatsink-Fan

--- I ---
IBM - International Business Machines Corporation
IC - Integrated Circuit
IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics
IFS- Item for Sale
IRQ - Interrupt Request
ISA - Industry Standard Architecture
ISO - International Standards Organization

--- J ---
JBL - JBL (Jame B. Lansing) Speakers
JVC - JVC Company of America

- K ---
Kbps - Kilobits Per Second
KBps - KiloBytes per second

--- L ---
LG - LG Electronics
LAN - Local Area Network
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LDT - Lightning Data Transport
LED - Light Emitting Diode

--- M ---
MAC - Media Access Control
MB � MotherBoard or Megabyte
MBps - Megabytes Per Second
Mbps - Megabits Per Second or Megabits Per Second
MHz - MegaHertz
MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second
MMX - Multi-Media Extensions
MSI - Micro Star International

--- N ---
NAS - Network Attached Storage
NAT - Network Address Translation
NEC - NEC Corporation
NIC - Network Interface Card

--- O ---
OC - Overclock (Over Clock)
OCZ - OCZ Technology
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer

--- P ---
PC - Personal Computer
PCB - Printed Circuit Board
PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
PCMCIA - Peripheral Component Microchannel Interconnect Architecture
PGA - Professional Graphics Array
PLD - Programmable Logic Device
PM - Private Message / Private Messaging
PnP - Plug 'n Play
PNY - PNY Technology
POST - Power On Self Test
PPPoA - Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM
PPPoE - Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
PQI - PQI Corporation
PSU - Power Supply Unit

--- R ---
RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAM - Random Access Memory
RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital Analog Convertor
RDRAM - Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
ROM - Read Only Memory
RPM - Revolutions Per Minute

--- S ---
SASID - Self-scanned Amorphous Silicon Integrated Display
SCA - SCSI Configured Automatically
SCSI - Small Computer System Interface
SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SECC - Single Edge Contact Connector
SODIMM - Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module
SPARC - Scalable Processor ArChitecture
SOHO - Small Office Home Office
SRAM - Static Random Access Memory
SSE - Streaming SIMD Extensions
SVGA - Super Video Graphics Array
S/PDIF - Sony/Philips Digital Interface

--- T ---
TB - Terabytes
TBps - Terabytes per second
Tbps - Terabits per second
TDK - TDK Electronics
TEC - Thermoelectric Cooler
TPC - TipidPC
TWAIN - Technology Without An Important Name

--- U ---
UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
USB - Universal Serial Bus
UTP - Unshieled Twisted Pair

--- V ---
VCD - Video CD
VPN - Virtual Private Network

--- W ---
WAN - Wide Area Network
WTB - Want to Buy
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get

--- X ---
XGA - Extended Graphics Array
XFX - XFX Graphics, a Division of Pine
XMS - Extended Memory Specification
XT - Extended Technology

What Should I Do With Image Files?

by Stock Specialist

1. What's a image file?
(>) A image file is a CD/DVD, but instead of insert it into your CD/DVD-Rom, you open it from inside your Hard Disk. So, it's a file that replaces a normal CD/DVD. Inside the image are the CD/DVD files like if it were a CD/DVD.

2. What are the image files extensions?
(>) There's many extensions, but the most common are:
(>) iSO (Generic image file)
(>) BiN/CUE (Generic BiN image file)
(>) NRG (An image created using Nero Burning ROM)
(>) iMG/CCD/SUB (An image created using CloneCD)
(>) MDF (An image created using MagicISO Maker)

There are many other images, but these are the most common.

3. How to open a image file?
(>) The most common way to open image files, is to use a virtual CD/DVD-Rom. It's like a normal CD/DVD-Rom, only that you mount the images directly from your computer, installing a simple program.

4. What program should i use to create images files?
(>) Usually a CD/DVD Burning software has that option, but personally i use UltraISO. It allow me to create an ISO, BiN/CUE, NRG and iMG/CCD/SUB image file.

5. What program should i use to mount the images?
(>) Daemon-Tools is the most powerful one to use, and the most simple too.

6. How to burn a image file?
(>) Some image files must be burned using a certain software in order to work fine, but usually a common CD/DVD burning software works fine. I use Nero Burning ROM to burn my images.

7. How to work with Daemon-Tools?
(>) 1. Install the software into your Hard Drive. After installing reboot (or not) your PC.
(>) 2. After 1. , open Daemon-Tools. It will appear in your startup bar.
(>) 3. Right click on it, go to Virtual CD/DVD-ROM » Set number of devices » 2 Drives. If you want to use more drives you can set it on. I personally use 2. It's your decision.
(>) 4. Right click on it, go to Virtual CD/DVD-ROM » Device x: [X:](....). Here you will mount your image. Just choose the image to open it (x means Device 1 or 2, etc.)([X:] the letter of your device).
(>) 5. Done, now your image is working like a CD.

8. How to burn with Nero Burning ROM?
(>) 1. Install Nero Burning ROM.
(>) 2. Open it, choose what is the storage type you gonna use to burn the image, or is a CD or a DVD.
(>) 3. Go to Copy and Backup » Burn Image to Disc.
(>) 4. Choose the image you want to burn.
(>) 5. Done, let it burn baby!

(>) If you want to burn a BiN with Nero Burning ROM, you will have to have the CUE file. When you are going to open the image, if it's BiN, you open the CUE file. If you don't have the CUE and you don't want to download it, it's simple:
1. Open Daemon-Tools.
2. Mount your BiN file.
3. Open Nero Burning ROM.
4. Open it, choose what is the storage type you gonna use to burn the image, or is a CD or a DVD.
5. Go to Data » Make Data CD.
6. Now open the image you mounted through your virtual drive. Select all files, and drag the files into Nero Burning ROM window that is opened.
7. Done, let it burn.

Saving and loading photoshop actions

by Stock Specialist

Actions are automatically saved to the Actions Palette folder in the Adobe Photoshop or Adobe ImageReady CS Settings folder. If this file is lost or removed, the actions you created are lost. You can save your actions to a separate actions file so that you can recover them if necessary. You can also load a variety of action sets that are shipped with Photoshop (Photoshop).

Note: The default location of the Adobe Photoshop CS Settings folder varies by operating system. Use your operating system's Find command to locate this folder.

To save a set of actions:

1. Select a set.
2. Choose Save Actions from the Actions palette menu.
3. Type a name for the set, choose a location, and click Save.

You can save the set anywhere. However, if you place the file in the Presets/Photoshop Actions folder inside the Photoshop program folder, the set will appear at the bottom of the Actions palette menu after you restart the application.

Press Ctrl+Alt (Windows) or Command+Option (Mac OS) when you choose the Save Actions command to save the actions in a text file. You can use this file to review or print the contents of an action. However, you can't reload the text file back into Photoshop.

To load a set of actions:

Do one of the following:
* Choose Load Actions from the Actions palette menu. Locate and select the action set file, and then click Load. (In Windows, Photoshop action set files have the extension .atn.)
* Select an action set from the bottom of the Actions palette menu.

To restore actions to the default set:

1. Choose Reset Actions from the Actions palette menu.
2. Click OK to replace the current actions in the Actions palette with the default set, or click Append to add the set of default actions to the current actions in the Actions palette.

Find Stuff

by Stock Specialist

Has this ever happened to you?

You're looking for something on a long web page with Internet Explorer or Netscape. You think it's there, but you're faced with seemingly insurmountable number of paragraphs, sentences, and words to hunt though.

Well, next time this happens to you, hit the Edit menu, Find (or CTRL-F for you shortcut lovers). You'll get a handy little "find" box that lets you type in a specific word. After you type in your search term, hit the Find Next button and Explorer will look for that word on the page. If it's successful, you'll be zapped right to it.

As if that wasn't cool enough, you can also use a variation of this tip in Windows Explorer. Next time you're looking for a file in Explorer, hit CRTL-F and you'll get a Find or Search box (depending on what flavor of Windows you're using).

If you are already in the area of your hard drive where you think the file is (say, My Documents), hit CTRL-F and your search will be set to look in the My Documents sfolder.

Dual Boot After The Fact

by Stock Specialist

Dual Boot After The Fact

I want to run both Windows 2000 Pro and Windows 98 SE on my computer. When I bought a new hard drive, I installed Windows 2000 on it first. But my subsequent research seems to indicate that I should have installed Windows 98 SE first and then Windows 2000 on a separate partition. How do I remove Windows 2000 from the drive so I can partition it and then install Windows 98 SE first and reinstall Windows 2000?

You don't have to remove Windows 2000. Start by installing Windows 98 SE in a different partition. When you're done, insert the Windows 2000 CD and reboot to start Windows 2000 setup. On the Welcome to Setup page, press R (for Repair). When you reach the Windows 2000 Repair Options page, press R again.

You'll then be prompted to select a repair option. Press M for Manual. Then press the Up Arrow until Verify Windows 2000 system files is highlighted; press Enter to clear this selection. Press the Down Arrow to select Continue (perform selected tasks), and then press Enter.

The system will ask whether you have an emergency repair disk. Press L, indicating it should Locate your existing installation. Once it does so, press Enter to complete the repairs. This will establish dual boot for you. (This procedure also works for Windows XP.)


Don't know if this will also work for Linux. If anyone does try it, please comment...

All about movie tags

by Stock Specialist

A cam is a theater rip usually done with a digital video camera. A mini tripod is sometimes used, but a lot of the time this wont be possible, so the camera make shake. Also seating placement isn't always idle, and it might be filmed from an angle. If cropped properly, this is hard to tell unless there's text on the screen, but a lot of times these are left with triangular borders on the top and bottom of the screen. Sound is taken from the onboard microphone of the camera, and especially in comedies, laughter can often be heard during the film. Due to these factors picture and sound quality are usually quite poor, but sometimes we're lucky, and the theater will be fairly empty and a fairly clear signal will be heard.

TELESYNC (TS) - A telesync is the same spec as a CAM except it uses an external audio source (most likely an audio jack in the chair for hard of hearing people). A direct audio source does not ensure a good quality audio source, as a lot of background noise can interfere. A lot of the times a telesync is filmed in an empty cinema or from the projection booth with a professional camera, giving a better picture quality. Quality ranges drastically, check the sample before downloading the full release. A high percentage of Telesyncs are CAMs that have been mislabeled.

A telecine machine copies the film digitally from the reels. Sound and picture should be very good, but due to the equipment involved and cost telecines are fairly uncommon. Generally the film will be in correct aspect ratio, although 4:3 telecines have existed. A great example is the JURASSIC PARK 3 TC done last year. TC should not be confused with TimeCode , which is a visible counter on screen throughout the film.

A pre VHS tape, sent to rental stores, and various other places for promotional use. A screener is supplied on a VHS tape, and is usually in a 4:3 (full screen) a/r, although letterboxed screeners are sometimes found. The main draw back is a "ticker" (a message that scrolls past at the bottom of the screen, with the copyright and anti-copy telephone number). Also, if the tape contains any serial numbers, or any other markings that could lead to the source of the tape, these will have to be blocked, usually with a black mark over the section. This is sometimes only for a few seconds, but unfortunately on some copies this will last for the entire film, and some can be quite big. Depending on the equipment used, screener quality can range from excellent if done from a MASTER copy, to very poor if done on an old VHS recorder thru poor capture equipment on a copied tape. Most screeners are transferred to VCD, but a few attempts at SVCD have occurred, some looking better than others.

DVD-SCREENER (DVDscr) -Same premise as a screener, but transferred off a DVD. Usually letterbox , but without the extras that a DVD retail would contain. The ticker is not usually in the black bars, and will disrupt the viewing. If the ripper has any skill, a DVDscr should be very good. Usually transferred to SVCD or DivX/XviD.

DVDRip - A copy of the final released DVD. If possible this is released PRE retail (for example, Star Wars episode 2) again, should be excellent quality. DVDrips are released in SVCD and DivX/XviD.

VHSRip -Transferred off a retail VHS, mainly skating/sports videos and XXX releases.

TVRip -TV episode that is either from Network (capped using digital cable/satellite boxes are preferable) or PRE-AIR from satellite feeds sending the program around to networks a few days earlier (do not contain "dogs" but sometimes have flickers etc) Some programs such as WWF Raw Is War contain extra parts, and the "dark matches" and camera/commentary tests are included on the rips. PDTV is capped from a digital TV PCI card, generally giving the best results, and groups tend to release in SVCD for these. VCD/SVCD/DivX/XviD rips are all supported by the TV scene.

WORKPRINT (WP) -A workprint is a copy of the film that has not been finished. It can be missing scenes, music, and quality can range from excellent to very poor. Some WPs are very different from the final print (Men In Black is missing all the aliens, and has actors in their places) and others can contain extra scenes (Jay and Silent Bob) . WPs can be nice additions to the collection once a good quality final has been obtained.

DivX Re-Enc -A DivX re-enc is a film that has been taken from its original VCD source, and re-encoded into a small DivX file. Most commonly found on file sharers, these are usually labeled something like Film.Name.Group(1of2) etc. Common groups are SMR and TND. These aren't really worth downloading, unless you're that unsure about a film u only want a 200mb copy of it. Generally avoid.

Watermarks -
A lot of films come from Asian Silvers/PDVD (see below) and these are tagged by the people responsible. Usually with a letter/initials or a little logo, generally in one of the corners. Most famous are the "Z" "A" and "Globe" watermarks.

Asian Silvers / PDVD -
These are films put out by eastern bootleggers, and these are usually bought by some groups to put out as their own. Silvers are very cheap and easily available in a lot of countries, and its easy to put out a release, which is why there are so many in the scene at the moment, mainly from smaller groups who don't last more than a few releases. PDVDs are the same thing pressed onto a DVD. They have removable subtitles, and the quality is usually better than the silvers. These are ripped like a normal DVD, but usually released as VCD.


VCD is an mpeg1 based format, with a constant bitrate of 1150kbit at a resolution of 352x240 (NTCS). VCDs are generally used for lower quality transfers (CAM/TS/TC/Screener(VHS)/TVrip(analogue) in order to make smaller file sizes, and fit as much on a single disc as possible. Both VCDs and SVCDs are timed in minutes, rather than MB, so when looking at an mpeg, it may appear larger than the disc capacity, and in reality u can fit 74min on a CDR74.

SVCD is an mpeg2 based (same as DVD) which allows variable bit-rates of up to 2500kbits at a resolution of 480x480 (NTSC) which is then decompressed into a 4:3 aspect ratio when played back. Due to the variable bit-rate, the length you can fit on a single CDR is not fixed, but generally between 35-60 Mins are the most common. To get a better SVCD encode using variable bit-rates, it is important to use multiple "passes". this takes a lot longer, but the results are far clearer.

These are basically VCD/SVCD that don't obey the "rules". They are both capable of much higher resolutions and bit-rates, but it all depends on the player to whether the disc can be played. X(S)VCD are total non-standards, and are usually for home-ripping by people who don't intend to release them.

KVCD Thanks for lardo4life for the info
KVCD is a modification to the standard MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 GOP structure and Quantization Matrix. It enables you to create over 120 minutes of near DVD quality video, depending on your material, on a single 80 minute CD-R/CD-RW. We have published these specifications as KVCDx3, our official resolution, which produce 528x480 (NTSC) and 528x576 (PAL) MPEG-1 variable bit rate video, from 64Kbps to 3,000Kbps. Using a resolution of 352x240 (NTSC) or 352x288 (PAL), it's possible to encode video up to ~360 minutes of near VCD quality on a single 80 minute CD-R. The mpeg files created will play back in most modern standalone DVD players. You must burn the KVCD MPEG files as non-standard VCD or non-standard SVCD (depends on your player) with Nero or VCDEasy.

DivX / XviD -
DivX is a format designed for multimedia platforms. It uses two codecs, one low motion, one high motion. most older films were encoded in low motion only, and they have problems with high motion too. A method known as SBC (Smart Bit-rate Control) was developed which switches codecs at the encoding stage, making a much better print. The format is Ana orphic and the bit-rate/resolution are interchangeable. Due to the higher processing power required, and the different codecs for playback, its unlikely we'll see a DVD player capable of play DivX for quite a while, if at all. There have been players in development which are supposedly capable, but nothing has ever arisen. The majority of PROPER DivX rips (not Re-Encs) are taken from DVDs, and generally up to 2hours in good quality is possible per disc. Various codecs exist, most popular being the original Divx3.11a and the new XviD codecs.

CVD is a combination of VCD and SVCD formats, and is generally supported by a majority of DVD players. It supports MPEG2 bit-rates of SVCD, but uses a resolution of 352x480(ntsc) as the horizontal resolution is generally less important. Currently no groups release in CVD.

Is the recordable DVD solution that seems to be the most popular (out of DVD-RAM, DVD-R and DVD+R). it holds 4.7gb of data per side, and double sided discs are available, so discs can hold nearly 10gb in some circumstances. SVCD mpeg2 images must be converted before they can be burnt to DVD-R and played successfully. DVD>DVDR copies are possible, but sometimes extras/languages have to be removed to stick within the available 4.7gb.

MiniDVD -
MiniDVD/cDVD is the same format as DVD but on a standard CDR/CDRW. Because of the high resolution/bit-rates, its only possible to fit about 18-21 mins of footage per disc, and the format is only compatible with a few players.

Misc Info

Regional Coding -
This was designed to stop people buying American DVDs and watching them earlier in other countries, or for older films where world distribution is handled by different companies. A lot of players can either be hacked with a chip, or via a remote to disable this.

RCE (Regional Coding Enhancement) was designed to overcome "Multiregion" players, but it had a lot of faults and was overcome. Very few titles are RCE encoded now, and it was very unpopular.

Macrovision -
Macrovision is the copy protection employed on most commercial DVDs. Its a system that will display lines and darken the images of copies that are made by sending the VHS signals it can't understand. Certain DVD players (for example the Dansai 852 from Tescos) have a secret menu where you can disable the macrovision, or a "video stabaliser" costs about 30UKP from Maplin (

NTSC and PAL are the two main standards used across the world. NTSC has a higher frame rate than pal (29fps compared to 25fps) but PAL has an increased resolution, and gives off a generally sharper picture. Playing NTSC discs on PAL systems seems a lot easier than vice-versa, which is good news for the Brits An RGB enabled scart lead will play an NTSC picture in full colour on most modern tv sets, but to record this to a VHS tape, you will need to convert it to PAL50 (not PAL60 as the majority of DVD players do.) This is either achieved by an expensive converter box (in the regions of £200+) an onboard converter (such as the Dansai 852 / certain Daewoos / Samsung 709 ) or using a World Standards VCR which can record in any format.

News Sites -
There are generally 2 news sites for film release for p2p and they are:

nforce - VCD Help


About Release Files

RARset -
The movies are all supplied in RAR form, whether its v2 (rar>.rxx) or v3 (part01.rar > partxx.rar) form.

VCD and SVCD films will extract to give a BIN/CUE. Load the .CUE into notepad and make sure the first line contains only a filename, and no path information. Then load the cue into Nero/CDRWin etc and this will burn the VCD/SVCD correctly. TV rips are released as MPEG. DivX files are just the plain DivX - .AVI

An NFO file is supplied with each movie to promote the group, and give general iNFOrmation about the release, such as format, source, size, and any notes that may be of use. They are also used to recruit members and acquire hardware for the group.

Also supplied for each disc is an SFV file. These are mainly used on site level to check each file has been uploaded correctly, but are also handy for people downloading to check they have all the files, and the CRC is correct. A program such as pdSFV or hkSFV is required to use these files.

Usenet Information

Access -
To get onto newsgroups, you will need a news server. Most ISPs supply one, but this is usually of poor retention (the amount of time the files are on server for) and poor completition (the amount of files that make it there). For the best service, a premium news server should be paid for, and these will often have bandwidth restrictions in place.

Software -
You will need a newsreader to access the files in the binary newsgroups. There are many different readers, and its usually down to personal opinion which is best. Xnews / Forte Agent / BNR 1 / BNR 2 are amongst the popular choices. Outlook has the ability to read newsgroups, but its recommended to not use that.

Format -
Usenet posts are often the same as those listed on VCDQUALiTY (i.e., untouched group releases) but you have to check the filenames and the description to make sure you get what you think you are getting. Generally releases should come down in .RAR sets. Posts will usually take more than one day to be uploaded, and can be spread out as far as a week.

PAR files -
As well as the .rxx files, you will also see files listed as .pxx/.par . These are PARITY files. Parity files are common in usenet posts, as a lot of times, there will be at least one or two damaged files on some servers. A parity file can be used to replace ANY ONE file that is missing from the rar set. The more PAR files you have, the more files you can replace. You will need a program called SMARTPAR for this.

Scene Tags

Due to scene rules, whoever releases the first Telesync has won that race (for example). But if the quality of that release is fairly poor, if another group has another telesync (or the same source in higher quality) then the tag PROPER is added to the folder to avoid being duped. PROPER is the most subjective tag in the scene, and a lot of people will generally argue whether the PROPER is better than the original release. A lot of groups release PROPERS just out of desperation due to losing the race. A reason for the PROPER should always be included in the NFO.

In the case of a VCD, if a release is subbed, it usually means it has hard encoded subtitles burnt throughout the movie. These are generally in malaysian/chinese/thai etc, and sometimes there are two different languages, which can take up quite a large amount of the screen. SVCD supports switch able subtitles, so some DVDRips are released with switch able subs. This will be mentioned in the NFO file if included.

When a film has had a subbed release in the past, an Unsubbed release may be released

A limited movie means it has had a limited theater run, generally opening in less than 250 theaters, generally smaller films (such as art house films) are released as limited.

An internal release is done for several reasons. Classic DVD groups do a lot of .INTERNAL. releases, as they wont be dupe'd on it. Also lower quality theater rips are done INTERNAL so not to lower the reputation of the group, or due to the amount of rips done already. An INTERNAL release is available as normal on the groups affiliate sites, but they can't be traded to other sites without request from the site ops. Some INTERNAL releases still trickle down to IRC/Newsgroups, it usually depends on the title and the popularity. Earlier in the year people referred to Centropy going "internal". This meant the group were only releasing the movies to their members and site ops. This is in a different context to the usual definition.

Straight To Video. Was never released in theaters, and therefore a lot of sites do not allow these.


*WS* for widescreen (letterbox)
*FS* for Fullscreen.

A recode is a previously released version, usually filtered through TMPGenc to remove subtitles, fix color etc. Whilst they can look better, its not looked upon highly as groups are expected to obtain their own sources.

If a group releases a bad rip, they will release a Repack which will fix the problems.

A film can be nuked for various reasons. Individual sites will nuke for breaking their rules (such as "No Telesyncs") but if the film has something extremely wrong with it (no soundtrack for 20mins, CD2 is incorrect film/game etc) then a global nuke will occur, and people trading it across sites will lose their credits. Nuked films can still reach other sources such as p2p/usenet, but its a good idea to check why it was nuked first in case. If a group realise there is something wrong, they can request a nuke.

NUKE REASONS :: this is a list of common reasons a film can be nuked for (generally DVDRip)

** BAD A/R ** :: bad aspect ratio, ie people appear too fat/thin
** BAD IVTC ** :: bad inverse telecine. process of converting framerates was incorrect.
** INTERLACED ** :: black lines on movement as the field order is incorrect.

Dupe is quite simply, if something exists already, then theres no reason for it to exist again without proper reason.

DirectX explained

by Stock Specialist

Ever wondered just what that enigmatic name means?

Gaming and multimedia applications are some of the most satisfying programs you can get for your PC, but getting them to run properly isn’t always as easy as it could be. First, the PC architecture was never designed as a gaming platform. Second, the wide-ranging nature of the PC means that one person’s machine can be different from another. While games consoles all contain the same hardware, PCs don’t: the massive range of difference can make gaming a headache.

To alleviate as much of the pain as possible, Microsoft needed to introduce a common standard which all games and multimedia applications could follow – a common interface between the OS and whatever hardware is installed in the PC, if you like. This common interface is DirectX, something which can be the source of much confusion.

DirectX is an interface designed to make certain programming tasks much easier, for both the game developer and the rest of us who just want to sit down and play the latest blockbuster. Before we can explain what DirectX is and how it works though, we need a little history lesson.

DirectX history
Any game needs to perform certain tasks again and again. It needs to watch for your input from mouse, joystick or keyboard, and it needs to be able to display screen images and play sounds or music. That’s pretty much any game at the most simplistic level.

Imagine how incredibly complex this was for programmers developing on the early pre-Windows PC architecture, then. Each programmer needed to develop their own way of reading the keyboard or detecting whether a joystick was even attached, let alone being used to play the game. Specific routines were needed even to display the simplest of images on the screen or play a simple sound.

Essentially, the game programmers were talking directly to your PC’s hardware at a fundamental level. When Microsoft introduced Windows, it was imperative for the stability and success of the PC platform that things were made easier for both the developer and the player. After all, who would bother writing games for a machine when they had to reinvent the wheel every time they began work on a new game? Microsoft’s idea was simple: stop programmers talking directly to the hardware, and build a common toolkit which they could use instead. DirectX was born.

How it works
At the most basic level, DirectX is an interface between the hardware in your PC and Windows itself, part of the Windows API or Application Programming Interface. Let’s look at a practical example. When a game developer wants to play a sound file, it’s simply a case of using the correct library function. When the game runs, this calls the DirectX API, which in turn plays the sound file. The developer doesn’t need to know what type of sound card he’s dealing with, what it’s capable of, or how to talk to it. Microsoft has provided DirectX, and the sound card manufacturer has provided a DirectX-capable driver. He asks for the sound to be played, and it is – whichever machine it runs on.

From our point of view as gamers, DirectX also makes things incredibly easy – at least in theory. You install a new sound card in place of your old one, and it comes with a DirectX driver. Next time you play your favourite game you can still hear sounds and music, and you haven’t had to make any complex configuration changes.

Originally, DirectX began life as a simple toolkit: early hardware was limited and only the most basic graphical functions were required. As hardware and software has evolved in complexity, so has DirectX. It’s now much more than a graphical toolkit, and the term has come to encompass a massive selection of routines which deal with all sorts of hardware communication. For example, the DirectInput routines can deal with all sorts of input devices, from simple two-button mice to complex flight joysticks. Other parts include DirectSound for audio devices and DirectPlay provides a toolkit for online or multiplayer gaming.

DirectX versions
The current version of DirectX at time of writing is DirectX 9.0. This runs on all versions of Windows from Windows 98 up to and including Windows Server 2003 along with every revision in between. It doesn’t run on Windows 95 though: if you have a machine with Windows 95 installed, you’re stuck with the older and less capable 8.0a. Windows NT 4 also requires a specific version – in this case, it’s DirectX 3.0a.

With so many versions of DirectX available over the years, it becomes difficult to keep track of which version you need. In all but the most rare cases, all versions of DirectX are backwardly compatible – games which say they require DirectX 7 will happily run with more recent versions, but not with older copies. Many current titles explicitly state that they require DirectX 9, and won’t run without the latest version installed. This is because they make use of new features introduced with this version, although it has been known for lazy developers to specify the very latest version as a requirement when the game in question doesn’t use any of the new enhancements. Generally speaking though, if a title is version locked like this, you will need to upgrade before you can play. Improvements to the core DirectX code mean you may even see improvements in many titles when you upgrade to the latest build of DirectX. Downloading and installing DirectX need not be complex, either.

Upgrading DirectX
All available versions of Windows come with DirectX in one form or another as a core system component which cannot be removed, so you should always have at least a basic implementation of the system installed on your PC. However, many new games require the very latest version before they work properly, or even at all.

Generally, the best place to install the latest version of DirectX from is the dedicated section of the Microsoft Web site, which is found at As we went to press, the most recent build available for general download was DirectX 9.0b. You can download either a simple installer which will in turn download the components your system requires as it installs, or download the complete distribution package in one go for later offline installation.

Another good source for DirectX is games themselves. If a game requires a specific version, it’ll be on the installation CD and may even be installed automatically by the game’s installer itself. You won’t find it on magazine cover discs though, thanks to Microsoft’s licensing terms.

Diagnosing problems

Diagnosing problems with a DirectX installation can be problematic, especially if you don’t know which one of the many components is causing your newly purchased game to fall over. Thankfully, Microsoft provides a useful utility called the DirectX Diagnostic Tool, although this isn’t made obvious. You won’t find this tool in the Start Menu with any version of Windows, and each tends to install it in a different place.

The easiest way to use it is to open the Start Menu’s Run dialog, type in dxdiag and then click OK. When the application first loads, it takes a few seconds to interrogate your DirectX installation and find any problems. First, the DirectX Files tab displays version information on each one of the files your installation uses. The Notes section at the bottom is worth checking, as missing or corrupted files will be flagged here.

The tabs marked Display, Sound, Music, Input and Network all relate to specific areas of DirectX, and all but the Input tab provide tools to test the correct functioning on your hardware. Finally, the More Help tab provides a useful way to start the DirectX Troubleshooter, Microsoft’s simple linear problem solving tool for many common DirectX issues.

Create A Personal Screen Saver In Win Xp!

by Stock Specialist

This isnt a tweak, but a great little feature! For a great way to put your digital photos to work, try creating a slide show presentation for use as a screen saver. Here's how:

1. Right-click an empty spot on your desktop and then click Properties.

2. Click the Screen Saver tab.

3. In the Screen saver list, click My Pictures Slideshow.

4. Click Settings to make any adjustments, such as how often the pictures should change, what size they should be, and whether you'll use transition effects between pictures, and then click OK.

Now your screen saver is a random display of the pictures taken from your My Pictures folder.

Tech Books

by Stock Specialist

10 minute guide to lotus notes mail 4.5

10 minute guide to Microsoft exchange 5.0

10 minute guide to outlook 97

10 minute guide to schedule+ for windows 95

ActiveX programming unleashed

ActiveX programming unleashed

Advanced perl programming

Advanced PL/SQL programming with packages

Adventure in Prolog/AMZI

Algorithms CMSC251/Mount, David

Alison Balter's Mastering Access 95 development, premier ed.

Apache : The definitive guide, 3rd.ed.

Beej's guide to network programming/Hall, Brain

Beyond Linux from Scratch/BLFS Development Team

Borland C++ builder unleashed

Building an intranet with windows NT 4

Building an Intranet with Windows NT 4

Building expert systems in prolog/AMZI

C programming language

C Programming/Holmes, Steven

C++ Annotations

CGI developer's guide

CGI manual of style

CGI manual of style online

CGI programming

CGI programming unleashed

CGI programming with Perl, 2nd.ed.

Charlie Calvert's Borland C++ builder unleashed

Client/server computing, 2nd.ed.

Client-server computing, 2nd.ed.

Common LISP, the language/Steele, Guy

Compilers and compiler generators : an introduction with C++/Terry, P.D.

Complete idiot's guide to creating HTML webpage

Computer graphics CMSC 427/Mount, David

Configuring and troubleshooting the windows NT/95 registry

Creating commercial websites

Creating web applets with Java

Crystal Reports.NET

Curious about the internet

Curious about the internet?

Dan appleman's developing activeX components with Visual Basic 5

Dan appleman's developing activex components with Visual Basic 5.0

Data structures CMSC420/Mount, David

Database developer's guide with visual basic 4, 2nd.ed.

Database developer's guide with Visual Basic 4, 2nd.ed.

Database developer's guide with Visual C++ 4, 2nd.ed.

Database developer's guide with Visual C++ 4, 2nd.ed.

Design and analysis of computer algorithms CMSC451/Mount, David

Designing implementing Microsoft internet information server

Designing implementing Microsoft proxy server

Developing for netscape one

Developing intranet applications with java

Developing personal oracle 7 for windows 95 applications

Developing personal Oracle 7 for windows 95 applications

Developing professional java applets

Developing professional java applets


Doing objects with VB.NET and C#

EAI/BPM Evaluation Series: IBM WebSphere MQ Workflow v3.3.2 & EAI Suite by
> Middleware Technology Evaluation Series, Phong Tran & Jeffrey Gosper

Effective AWK programming

Enterprise javabeans, 2nd.ed.

Exploring java

GNOME/Sheets, John

Graph theory/Prof. Even

Hacking java

How intranets work

How intranets work

How to program visual basic 5.0

How to use HTML 3.2

Html : The definitive guide

HTML 3.2 & CGI unleashed

HTML 3.2 and CGI professional reference edition unleashed

HTML by example

Internet firewall

Intranets unleashed

Introduction to object-oriented programming using C++/Muller, Peter

Introduction to programming using Java/Eck, David

Introduction to socket programming

Java 1.1 unleashed

Java 1.1 unleashed, 2nd.ed.

Java 1.1 unleashed, 3rd.ed.

Java 114 documentation

Java AWT reference

Java by example

Java developer's guide

Java developer's guide

Java developer's reference

Java developer's reference

Java Distributed computing

Java enterprise

Java enterprise in a nutshell

Java foundation classes in a nutshell

Java fundamental classes reference

Java in a nutshell

Java in a nutshell, 3rd.ed.

Java language reference

Java security

Java servlet programming

Java unleashed

Java unleashed

Java, 2nd.ed.

_JavaScript : the definitive guide

_Javascript manual of style

_Javascript manual of style

Josh's GNU Linux Guide/Joshua's_GNU_Linux_Guide/

Late night activex

Late night activeX

Laura lemay's 3D graphics in and VRML 2

Laura lemay's activex and _VBScript

Laura lemay's graphics and web page design

Laura lemay's guide to sizzling websites design

Laura lemay's _javascript 1.1

Laura lemay's web workshop activex and _VBScript

Laura lemay's web workshop Graphics web page design

Laura lemay's web workshop _javascript

Learning perl

Learning perl on win32

Learning the kornshell

Learning unix

Learning vi

Linux from Scratch/Beekmans, Gerard

Linux in a nutshell, 3rd.ed.

Linux kernel/Rusling, David

Linux network administrator's guide/Dawson, Terry

Linux system administrator's survival guide

MAPI, SAPI and TAPI developer's guide

Mastering access 95 development

Microsoft access 97 quick reference

Microsoft access 97 quick reference

Microsoft backoffice 2 unleashed

Microsoft excel 97 quick reference

Microsoft excel 97 quick reference

Microsoft exchange server survival guide

Microsoft frontpage unleashed

Microsoft word 97 quick reference

Microsoft word 97 quick reference

Microsoft works 4.5 6-In-1

More than 100 full-text e-books

Ms backoffice administrator's survival guide

Ms backoffice unleashed

Mysql and msql

Netscape plug-ins developer's kit

Official gamelan java directory

Oracle built-in packages

Oracle PL/SQL built-in pocket reference

Oracle PL/SQL language pocket reference

Oracle PL/SQL programming guide to Oracle 8 features

Oracle PL/SQL programming, 2nd.ed.

Oracle unleashed

Oracle unleashed

Oracle web applications PL/SQL developer's introduction

Patterns of enterprise application architecture/Fowler, Martin{574D77DF-6ED2-BC5-A6A8-02E59CA7482D}

PC week : the intranet advantage

Perl 5 by example

Perl 5 quick reference

Perl 5 unleashed

Perl 5.0 CGI web pages

Perl cookbook

Perl for system administration

Perl in a nutshell

Perl quick reference

Peter norton's complete guide to windows NT 4 workstations

Presenting activex

Presenting activex

Presenting javabeans

Presenting javabeans

Programming perl

Programming perl, 3rd.ed.

Programming the Perl DBI

Red hat linux unleashed

Running a perfect intranet

Running Linux, 3rd.ed.

Sams teach yourself java 1.1 in 24 hours/

Sams Teach yourself java in 21 days/Lemay, Laura

Sams teach yourself linux in 24 hours/Ball, Bill

Sams teach yourself shell programming in 24 hours

Sams teach yourself TCP/IP in 14 days

Sed and awk


Sendmail desktop reference

Slackware linux unleashed

Special edition using java, 2nd.ed.

Special edition using _javascript

Special edition using _javascript

Special edition using _Jscript

Special edition using lotus notes and domino 4.5

Special edition using Microsoft SQL server 6.5, 2nd.ed.

Special edition using Microsoft visual Interdev

Special edition using perl 5 for web programming

Special edition using perl for web programming

Special edition using Visual Basic 4


Teach yourself activex programming in 21 days

Teach yourself C++ in 21 days

Teach yourself C++ in 21 days

Teach yourself CGI programming with Perl 5 in a week

Teach yourself database programming with VB5 in 21 days, 2nd.ed.

Teach yourself database programming with visual basic 5 in 21 days

Teach yourself HTML 3.2 in 24 hours

Teach yourself HTML 3.2 in 24 hours

Teach yourself internet game programming with java in 21 days

Teach yourself java 1.1 programming in 24 hours

Teach yourself jave in café in 21 days

Teach yourself Microsoft visual Interdev in 21 days

Teach yourself Microsoft visual Interdev in 21 days

Teach yourself oracle 8 in 21 days

Teach yourself perl 5 in 21 days

Teach yourself perl 5 in 21 days, 2nd.ed.

Teach yourself SQL in 21 days

Teach yourself SQL in 21 days, 2nd.ed.

Teach yourself TCP/IP in 14 days

Teach yourself TCP/IP in 14 days, 2nd.ed.

Teach yourself the Internet in 24 hours

Teach yourself the internet in 24 hours

Teach yourself _VBScript in 21 days

Teach yourself _VBScript in 21 days

Teach yourself visual basic 5 in 24 hours

Teach yourself Visual Basic 5 in 24 hours

Teach yourself Visual J++ in 21 days

Teach yourself web publishing with HTML 3.2 in 14 days

Teach yourself web publishing with HTML in 14 days

Thinking in C++

Thinking in C++/Eckel, Bruce - Vol.I, 2nd.ed.

Thinking in C++/Eckel, Bruce - Vol.II, 2nd.ed.

Thinking in Enterprise Java

Thinking in Java, 2nd.ed.

Thinking in Java, 3rd.ed. (pdf)

Tricks of the internet gurus

Tricks of the java programming gurus

Unix and internet security

Unix hints and hacks/Waingrow, Kirk

Unix in a nutshell

Unix kornshell quick reference

Unix power tools

Unix shell guide

Unix unleashed

Unix unleashed

Unix unleashed Internet Ed./Burk, Robin

Unix unleashed, System administrator's Edition's_Edition/toc.htm

Unix Unleashed/Sams Publication

Upgrading PCs illustrated

Using windows NT workstation 4.0

_VBScript unleashed

_Vbscript unleashed

Visual basic 4 in 12 easy lessons

Visual basic 4 unleashed

Visual Basic 5 night school

Visual basic programming in 12 easy lessons

Visual Basic programming in 12 easy lessons

Visual C++ 4 unleashed

Visual C++ programming in 12 easy lessons

Web database developer's guide with visual basic 5

Web database developer's guide with visual basic 5

Web programming desktop reference 6-in-1